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Medical data manager

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist with good IT knowledge, building and managing physiological databases, and producing software for treatment and diagnostic equipment. The Big Data revolution is happening in healthcare nowadays, providing scientists with a priceless opportunity to quickly collect and analyze vast amounts of information. This means that a good medical database manager will never find himself without a job.

Professional skills and abilities

Genetic consultant

The profession appears before 2020

Conducts primary and scheduled genetic analysis in a diagnostic center, processes data from diagnostic devices, and provides an opinion and further treatment recommendations. Genetic analysis allows for the identification of cancer markers, diagnosis of hereditary diseases, determination of the specifics of a patient’s metabolism and study of diseases caused by bacterial infections. The most popular genetic screening service is provided by U.S. company 23andMe. Commercial genome studies are conducted in Russia as well (although they are more expensive), for example, by companies such as Genoanalytica and Gene Family Health.

Professional skills and abilities


The profession appears before 2020

A specialist who creates ready-made IT solutions from prebuilt templates using a graphical user interface instead of classical programming. He works with databases, design, app integrations and automation of processes. One such professional can replace a team of IT specialists. Zerocoders are already creating mobile and web applications, automating processes and integrating with AI. That's why Innopolis University added zerocoding to the list of its master's programs. According to the US company Grand View Research, by 2027 the volume of the global market for zerocode development will reach 87 billion dollars.

Professional skills and abilities

Industrial robot designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist designing robotic devices for manufacturing (for painting, welding, packing and stamping jobs), industrial logistic devices, e.g. loaders, transporters, manipulators, and robotic systems consisting of those devices, such as “lights-out” factories. Vacancies in the specialty are already appearing on HeadHunter.

Professional skills and abilities

System engineer for smart power grids

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with designing and modelling smart grids, micro generation systems, and smart power environments for various purposes; develops technological and infrastructural requirements to systems throughout their life cycle. Provides solutions for the same task as the designer of power consuming systems, but on the end of power supply. There are foreign companies that provide the service (e.g. Siemens offers the SureGrid service, enabling real-time power consumption control within a specific building).

Household robot designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional tasked with designing and programming household robots (e.g. babysitter, cleaner, washer, gardener, dog walker, etc.), which will help run the house. These robots are integrated with other components of a smart home and can move around and perform complex household work.

Professional skills and abilities

Multi-purpose robotic systems designer

The profession appears before 2020

Professional engaged in controlling and servicing robotic systems, including in complex and dangerous facilities and in dealing with hard-to-reach or microscopic objects. The job is already on offer. General director of the Chebarkul Milk Factory, who announced a transition to automated production in 2014, made this comment: “We have a lot of work done manually now, but when we have had the production lines automated, we will need people to maintain the equipment”.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart management system architect

The profession appears after 2020

Develops software for unmanned vehicles and traffic management systems; controls smart management systems. Various solutions exist today to monitor complex shipments, though shipments are managed by people. The future will require automated traffic management systems.

Professional skills and abilities

Cross-logistics operator

The profession appears before 2020

Professional with a competence in selecting the best methods of cargo and passenger delivery using different modes of transportation; control and adjustment of traffic throughout a multimodal network; monitoring of the passability of transportation hubs; redistribution of traffic flows in transportation networks.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart environment cyber technician

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with dealing with the lower levels of information infrastructure, ensuring the security of dedicated network segments at these levels (residential buildings and industrial facilities will presumably be separated from the Internet, to form their own secure segments connected to the common network via secure low-level connections).

Professional skills and abilities

Information systems architect

The profession appears before 2020

Qualified specialist for a wide spectrum of operations involving data processing systems.In particular, this specialist designs databases, develops action algorithms, ensures effective access of users to data storages, controls the quality and logic of information storage and extraction.Such specialists are already in demand (65 vacancies were published in the specialty in July 2014, according to HeadHunter), and even more of them will be needed in the future, when information technology has penetrated all areas of human activity.

Professional skills and abilities

Big Data model designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in designing systems for collecting and processing large arrays of data received from the Internet, and developing analytical models and interfaces for assembling them. There are open vacancies in the specialty in Russia, though demand is not very high yet.

Professional skills and abilities

Business continuity manager

The profession appears after 2020

This specialist ensures the continuity of business processes in case of any problems or IT system failures at a facility caused by cyber attacks, software errors, man-made disasters affecting Internet connection, or other emergencies.

Professional skills and abilities

Ergonomic designer of wearable security devices

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist engaged in developing gadgets for the additional security of the user in an emergency. The job requires a smooth combination of common sense and imagination, as self-protection issues may be approached from different directions. For example, Armstar has designed the protective sleeve BodyGuard, equipped with a camera, alarm device, and an electric shocker. It will help the wearer protect himself, while designed to not inflict lethal wounds on a perpetrator. South Korea has invented an even milder option, i.e. a jacket equipped with mini cameras. In case of an assault, it takes photos of the attacker and publishes photos in the Internet, so that the criminal will not be able to conceal his identity.

Professional skills and abilities

Remote security coordinator

The profession appears before 2020

Operator of advanced automated robotic security systems.Responsible for monitoring their condition via sensors and surveillance cameras and dispatching an immediate response team to a facility if needed. The occupation is an evolution of the security guard job and will be eventually completely replaced with automated security systems.

Professional skills and abilities

Robot attendant

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in managing hotel robots. Hotels already use robots in the U.S.A., China, Japan and other countries. Although mechanical doorkeepers, housekeepers and couriers have been doing a good job, a human is still needed to look after them. Such an attendant should be a highly organized specialist with multitasking skills, familiar with mechanics, and have experience in dealing with artificial intelligence.

Professional skills and abilities

Tour navigator designer

The profession appears before 2020

IT expert engaged in developing software and applications helping users find their way on a particular itinerary based on their interests, tastes, plans and ongoing cultural events.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart travel system designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in creating automated ticket booking, navigation and hotel booking systems. Founders of travel agencies, such as AviaSales.Ru, are already capitalizing on the design of unique search algorithms. Demand for simple, convenient and cheap solutions in the area will only increase. In addition, more and more attention will be paid to the personalization and creation of individual itineraries.

Professional skills and abilities

Media software designer

The profession appears before 2020

This specialist works in cooperation with psychologists, linguists and engineers to create software tools for finding, processing and distributing information on the Internet (search engines, semantic analyzers, aggregators, robots, writing).

Professional skills and abilities

Content aggregator editor

The profession appears before 2020

Manages information channels and selects content matching users’ expectations by adjusting search engines, aggregators and processors of information. The profession already exists in digital media. However, demand for it will grow together with the expansion of individual mass media. Eventually, the specialty will turn into a versatile competency.

Professional skills and abilities

Online sales manager

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist who works in offline companies, develops Internet-based promotion mechanisms for products, organizesmarketing campaigns on the Internet, supports own online stores, or works with partners to improve service for customers (e.g. promptness of delivery). The specialty can already be considered developed in Russia, with 260 vacancies published in July 2014, according to Still, demand for the profession is expected to grow.

Professional skills and abilities

Neural interface designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional who designs interfaces compatible with the human nervous system, for controlling computers and household and industrial robots, taking into account the psychological and physiological traits of the user. Today, neural interfaces are used mostly for entertainment. For example, the Australian company Emotiv Epoc produces neural helmets for controlling characters in MMORPGs. In the future, however, neural interfaces will be used to control various sophisticated devices, or even to communicate nonverbally with other people (as in the DARPA Silent Talk system now in development).

Professional skills and abilities

Smart environment cyber technician

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with dealing with the lower levels of information infrastructure, ensuring the security of dedicated network segments at these levels (residential buildings and industrial facilities will presumably be separated from the Internet, to form their own secure segments connected to the common network via secure low-level connections).

Professional skills and abilities

Information security supervisor

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in the information security of technological processes at automated industrial facilities. This supervisor ensures the security, protection and stable operation of process management systems and information processing, with a focus on tracking the emergence of new weak spots.

Professional skills and abilities

Cyber detective

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist investigating cyber crimes.Specialist in criminal science, investigation (modern detective), search (including active search through officially sanctioned cyber attacks against suspects) and processing of information on the Internet (data analyst with programing skills).Cyber detectives have, in fact, been around for some time now, and demand for them will only grow in the future.

Professional skills and abilities

Big Data model designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in designing systems for collecting and processing large arrays of data received from the Internet, and developing analytical models and interfaces for assembling them. There are open vacancies in the specialty in Russia, though demand is not very high yet.

Professional skills and abilities

Information systems architect

The profession appears before 2020

Qualified specialist for a wide spectrum of operations involving data processing systems.In particular, this specialist designs databases, develops action algorithms, ensures effective access of users to data storages, controls the quality and logic of information storage and extraction.Such specialists are already in demand (65 vacancies were published in the specialty in July 2014, according to HeadHunter), and even more of them will be needed in the future, when information technology has penetrated all areas of human activity.

Professional skills and abilities

Mind fitness coach

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist who develops programmes for training personal cognitive skills (e.g. memory, concentration, reading speed, mental mathematics, etc.) using special programmes and devices, taking into account the psyche and purposes of the user. Such programmes exist already, for example, the Mind Fitness Training Institute in Virginia offers all those willing a seven-day course to train their cognitive skills, while Lumosity has developed over 40 online cognitive training games.

Professional skills and abilities

Educational online platform coordinator

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in an educational institution or independent educational project with competences in online teaching, supporting the development of online courses on particular subjects or disciplines; organizing and promoting specific courses or standard academic pathways.The coordinator moderates communication between teachers and students within courses or platforms and defines requirements for platform improvements.Some Russian universities have established entire divisions in charge of these functions.For example, MIPT has the Laboratory of Innovative Educational Techniques, and the Higher School of Economics has the Educational Environment Development Centre.This has allowed the universities to develop their own online courses for the Coursera platform.Russian online platforms, such as Universarium and Eduson, are also developing.

Professional skills and abilities

Clothes 3d model programmer

The profession appears after 2020

IT specialist tasked with translating the designer’s clothing sketches into instructions for a robot or 3D printer. In the future, users will be able to use them to print their own clothes, or have them made by an automated tailor shop.

Professional skills and abilities

IT interface designer for light industry

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist developing software for designing 3D clothes, patterns, and virtual fitting rooms.

Professional skills and abilities

Household robot designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional tasked with designing and programming household robots (e.g. babysitter, cleaner, washer, gardener, dog walker, etc.), which will help run the house. These robots are integrated with other components of a smart home and can move around and perform complex household work.

Professional skills and abilities

Medical robot designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional designing biocompatible robotic systems and devices for medicine and biotechnology (e.g. robot surgeons, diagnostic robots, robotic prostheses, etc.).

Professional skills and abilities

Designer of neural interfaces for robot control

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist who designs control systems for industrial and combat robots based on neural interfaces, enabling control by distributed teams as well as individual operators.

Professional skills and abilities

Children’s robot designer

The profession appears before 2020

Professional involved in designing children’s toys, games, gadgets and various mechanical commodities based on programmable robots, taking into account the mental and physiological specifics of young age.

Professional skills and abilities

Ergonomic designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist tasked with designing robotic systems taking into account the user’s ergonomic requirements, based on their physical and mental abilities.

Professional skills and abilities

Multi-purpose robotic systems designer

The profession appears before 2020

Professional engaged in controlling and servicing robotic systems, including in complex and dangerous facilities and in dealing with hard-to-reach or microscopic objects. The job is already on offer. General director of the Chebarkul Milk Factory, who announced a transition to automated production in 2014, made this comment: “We have a lot of work done manually now, but when we have had the production lines automated, we will need people to maintain the equipment”.

Professional skills and abilities

Industrial robot designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist designing robotic devices for manufacturing (for painting, welding, packing and stamping jobs), industrial logistic devices, e.g.loaders, transporters, manipulators, and robotic systems consisting of those devices, such as “lights-out” factories.Vacancies in the specialty are already appearing on HeadHunter.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart material designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional responsible for designing composite materials within smart environments, which change their properties according to given tasks in a home, office, or industrial facility.

Professional skills and abilities

Equipment designer in powder metallurgy

The profession appears before 2020

Engineers advanced equipment for producing metals with a high degree of readiness (powders, alloys), using processes at the intersection of different sciences (biometallurgy, etc.).

Professional skills and abilities

Equipment supervisor

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist with competences in mechatronics and engineering, operating and servicing high-tech equipment throughout its life cycle.

Professional skills and abilities

Unmanned exploration aircraft operator

The profession appears before 2020

Professional who controls the process of field development and exploration of new fields using unmanned aircraft equipped with magnetometers and other geophysical sensors. Such drones are already used on the Yukon plateau in Canada to explore new fields.

Professional skills and abilities

Robotic system engineer

The profession appears before 2020

Services and manages automated systems for monitoring, development, production and processing of mineral resources (including remote ones). The specialty is already in demand in Russia, with 98 vacancies published in July 2014, according to HeadHunter.

Professional skills and abilities

Telemetric data interpretation engineer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist engaged in analyzing arrays of data arriving from the field to control the production process, prevent possible emergencies and make quick decisions. It is highly probable that after 2020 the job will be replaced with artificial intelligence.

Professional skills and abilities

Life support system engineer

The profession appears after 2020

Maintains life support systems in extreme conditions.

Professional skills and abilities

Dynamic control smart management system designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional in designing software for air traffic control over traffic-intensive cities and regions (in case of a significant growth of unmanned and general aviation, with sharply increased loads on the airspace and a shift toward flexible traffic management).

Professional skills and abilities

Unmanned flight interface designer cross-professional skills

The profession appears after 2020

Professional who designs interfaces and software packages for unmanned aircraft control; responsible for programming and operating the support, navigation and safety systems of unmanned aircraft.

Professional skills and abilities

Operating data analyst

The profession appears before 2020

Professional in processing data and preparing expert opinions based on the monitoring of the aircraft and surrounding area.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart management system architect

The profession appears after 2020

Develops software for unmanned vehicles and traffic management systems; controls smart management systems. Various solutions exist today to monitor complex shipments, though shipments are managed by people. The future will require automated traffic management systems.

Professional skills and abilities

Automated transportation system operator

The profession appears after 2020

Manages the servicing of robotic transportations networks and configuration of computer software for robotic mechanisms and vehicles, primarily unmanned.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart road builder

The profession appears after 2020

Professional selecting and installing adaptive road surfaces, marking and road signs with radio frequency identification, surveillance systems, and road condition sensors.

Professional skills and abilities

High-speed railway designer

The profession appears before 2020

Professional that designs tracks, junctions and stations for high-speed railway systems, taking into account regional and climatic specifics. Specialists of this type are already being trained in western countries. In particular, Michigan Technological University offers courses in this field.

Professional skills and abilities

Cross-logistics operator

The profession appears before 2020

Professional with a competence in selecting the best methods of cargo and passenger delivery using different modes of transportation; control and adjustment of traffic throughout a multimodal network; monitoring of the passability of transportation hubs; redistribution of traffic flows in transportation networks.

Professional skills and abilities

System engineer for smart power grids

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with designing and modelling smart grids, micro generation systems, and smart power environments for various purposes; develops technological and infrastructural requirements to systems throughout their life cycle. Provides solutions for the same task as the designer of power consuming systems, but on the end of power supply. There are foreign companies that provide the service (e.g. Siemens offers the SureGrid service, enabling real-time power consumption control within a specific building).

Power generation system upgrpade manager

The profession appears before 2020

Manages upgrade of central heat and power plants, hydro power plants, and nuclear plants; implements advanced safety, sustainability and resource efficiency methods. In spite of the general trend toward the diversification of electric power sources, the lion’s share of electricity will still be produced centrally in the near future. Equipment ages and wears down, entailing a need for professionals able to introduce the best practices at power plants and CHPs. Major players in the power market, such as Siemens, already provide services for upgrading generation systems, which means their demand for respective specialists will grow over time.

Professional skills and abilities

Automatedfarming equipment operator

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist managing automated machinery at a farm: sensor systems, drones, and farmbots.

Professional skills and abilities

Agricultural informatics and engineerng expert

The profession appears before 2020

Highly qualified specialist in the implementation of new technologies, engaged in computerization and automation of agricultural facilities.

Professional skills and abilities

Online doctor

The profession appears before 2020

Highly qualified diagnostician, familiar with information and communication technologies, able to determine a diagnosis online. Focused on provisional diagnosis and prevention. These specialists may be involved in remote mass preventive medical check-ups, or provide support for data centers processing information from personal diagnostic devices and health portals. Online medical services are already a reality, and very soon doctors will be able to receive various data about a patient’s health from wearable gadgets. Remote diagnoses will become more accurate, and instead of unconvincing online consultations conducted in a Q&A form, we will receive top-class services provided by well-trained specialists.

Professional skills and abilities

Robotic prosthesis and implant designer

The profession appears after 2020

Develops artificial functional devices (robotic prostheses) and organs compatible with live tissues. This area is growing fast: implanted electric muscle stimulators are being developed for paralyzed patients; an implant appeared recently that functions as a natural eye; limb prostheses perform more and more complex functions. While prostheses and implants are most likely to be designed by dedicated specialists, actual implantation surgeries will be performed by re-trained surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists and ophthalmologists.

Professional skills and abilities

Gene therapy expert

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in genome programming to predetermined parameters. Gene therapy (alteration of the human genetic apparatus to fight diseases) has been growing at an incredible pace in the past decade. While the method is mostly tested on animals, there have been cases of successful application of gene therapy on human patients. For example, in 2014, Great Britain announced that 6 patients suffering from choroideremia (hereditary genetic disease, still incurable and causes blindness) experienced eyesight improvement through the course of gene therapy. This is, however, only the first step. The next step is to modify the genome. There has already been an experiment to change two monkey genes.

Professional skills and abilities

BIM manager designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist involved in the entire life cycle of a project. Building Information Modeling(BIM) is the gathering and comprehensive processing of all architectural, constructional, technological, economic, and other data about the building, with all relations between them, in a design that treats the building and everything related to it as a single object.

Professional skills and abilities

Foreman watcher

The profession appears before 2020

Construction specialist using digital structure designs. Can use image recognition systems to evaluate the construction progress and adjust the process based on the data analysis.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart house infrastructure designer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in the design, installation and adjustment of smart home management systems (e.g. appliances, security systems, electricity and water supply systems, etc.). Smart homes are appearing already. However, the job is not likely to become popular until seven to ten years from now.

Professional skills and abilities

Medical robot operator

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in programming diagnostic, treatment and surgery robots. Robotic surgery began to develop as early as the 1980s. The most widely known robot surgeon, Da VincI, is already used worldwide in various surgeries, from mitral valve reconstruction to spinal surgery. According to 2013 data, there are around 2,000 surgical systems of this kind in the world now.

Professional skills and abilities


The profession appears before 2020

In case of unusual development of a disease, builds a computer simulation of the biochemical processes of the disease to understand its root cause (discovers irregularities at the cellular and subcellular level). The specialty has been around in the western countries for a few years and is aimed at making the fullest possible use of the entire load of accumulated information (genetic, biological and medical), to develop a personalized approach for a specific patient. Translational medicine is practiced in Russia as well, with experts predicting great numbers of jobs in the industry.

Professional skills and abilities