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Living systems designer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in planning, designing and creating closed-cycle technologies involving genetically modified organisms and microorganisms. This type of professional will be irreplaceable in sustainable cities, as they will be able to calculate the required capacity of bioreactors, design urban farms, and elaborate waste recycling systems.

Household robot designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional tasked with designing and programming household robots (e.g. babysitter, cleaner, washer, gardener, dog walker, etc.), which will help run the house. These robots are integrated with other components of a smart home and can move around and perform complex household work.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart management system architect

The profession appears after 2020

Develops software for unmanned vehicles and traffic management systems; controls smart management systems. Various solutions exist today to monitor complex shipments, though shipments are managed by people. The future will require automated traffic management systems.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart environment cyber technician

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with dealing with the lower levels of information infrastructure, ensuring the security of dedicated network segments at these levels (residential buildings and industrial facilities will presumably be separated from the Internet, to form their own secure segments connected to the common network via secure low-level connections).

Professional skills and abilities

Business continuity manager

The profession appears after 2020

This specialist ensures the continuity of business processes in case of any problems or IT system failures at a facility caused by cyber attacks, software errors, man-made disasters affecting Internet connection, or other emergencies.

Professional skills and abilities

Ergonomic designer of wearable security devices

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist engaged in developing gadgets for the additional security of the user in an emergency. The job requires a smooth combination of common sense and imagination, as self-protection issues may be approached from different directions. For example, Armstar has designed the protective sleeve BodyGuard, equipped with a camera, alarm device, and an electric shocker. It will help the wearer protect himself, while designed to not inflict lethal wounds on a perpetrator. South Korea has invented an even milder option, i.e. a jacket equipped with mini cameras. In case of an assault, it takes photos of the attacker and publishes photos in the Internet, so that the criminal will not be able to conceal his identity.

Professional skills and abilities

Personal security designer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with assessing and designing the life of a person in terms of all possible risks (from genetic disposition to specific diseases to the chance of becoming a crime victim) and their prevention. The specialist may be hired as a staff consultant or to provide one-time services, e.g. if a client is going on a business trip to a dangerous region.

Professional skills and abilities

Territory architect

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with creating “information landscapes” for tourists, taking into account the realities of the region, types of consumers, and currently popular trends in the travel industry. Whereas a brand manager performs the function of a creative director, a territory architect is a designer looking for specific and detailed solutions for particular tasks.

Professional skills and abilities

Robot attendant

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in managing hotel robots. Hotels already use robots in the U.S.A., China, Japan and other countries. Although mechanical doorkeepers, housekeepers and couriers have been doing a good job, a human is still needed to look after them. Such an attendant should be a highly organized specialist with multitasking skills, familiar with mechanics, and have experience in dealing with artificial intelligence.

Professional skills and abilities

Virtual world designer

The profession appears after 2020

Creates concepts for virtual worlds: philosophy, laws of nature and society, social interaction and economic standards, landscape, architecture, sensations (including smells and sounds), animals, and a social world.

Professional skills and abilities

Virtual reality architect

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in designing solutions for work, studies, and leisure in virtual reality.Develops software and hardware based on the biological and psychological parameters of the user (including custom orders).

Professional skills and abilities

Semantic field producer

The profession appears after 2020

Responsible for shaping a general worldview according to which, the media streams he/she controls will be created. This specialist controls content selectors that generate information streams for users within a given worldview, and performs high-level tuning of media robots. (A similar function in society is performed by “culture sommeliers” from Victor Pelevin’s S.N.U.F.F.).

Multicurrency translator

The profession appears after 2020

Professional who organizes traditional, merit and alternative currency exchange systems. Online services exist already, where you can exchange bitcoins for Webmoney or transfer them to a common bank account in your own currency (e.g. or Governments are still wary of these types of financial transactions, as unconventional money flows are harder to control. The process, however, is in full swing now: according to 2014 data, global bitcoin turnover was evaluated at roughly $11 billion, with the first virtual currency ATMs having appeared already.

Professional skills and abilities

Neural interface designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional who designs interfaces compatible with the human nervous system, for controlling computers and household and industrial robots, taking into account the psychological and physiological traits of the user. Today, neural interfaces are used mostly for entertainment. For example, the Australian company Emotiv Epoc produces neural helmets for controlling characters in MMORPGs. In the future, however, neural interfaces will be used to control various sophisticated devices, or even to communicate nonverbally with other people (as in the DARPA Silent Talk system now in development).

Professional skills and abilities

Smart environment cyber technician

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with dealing with the lower levels of information infrastructure, ensuring the security of dedicated network segments at these levels (residential buildings and industrial facilities will presumably be separated from the Internet, to form their own secure segments connected to the common network via secure low-level connections).

Professional skills and abilities

Desiger of consciousness training tools

The profession appears after 2020

Creates programmes and equipment (e.g. biofeedback devices) to train users in entering productive states of consciousness (high focus, relaxation, increased creative abilities, etc.). For example, Wild Divine sells devices and software to teach users concentration, relaxation and awareness. There are also biofeedback devices, developed specially for lucid dreaming.

Professional skills and abilities

Educational pathway designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional in building an educational “route” for new specialists, made up of courses provided by educational institutions, including online programmes, as well as trainers, simulators, internships, etc. Based on those, he/she develops an educational track, taking into account the psychological type, abilities, and goals of a particular person.

Professional skills and abilities

Mind fitness coach

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist who develops programmes for training personal cognitive skills (e.g. memory, concentration, reading speed, mental mathematics, etc.) using special programmes and devices, taking into account the psyche and purposes of the user. Such programmes exist already, for example, the Mind Fitness Training Institute in Virginia offers all those willing a seven-day course to train their cognitive skills, while Lumosity has developed over 40 online cognitive training games.

Professional skills and abilities

Clothes 3d model programmer

The profession appears after 2020

IT specialist tasked with translating the designer’s clothing sketches into instructions for a robot or 3D printer. In the future, users will be able to use them to print their own clothes, or have them made by an automated tailor shop.

Professional skills and abilities

Household robot designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional tasked with designing and programming household robots (e.g. babysitter, cleaner, washer, gardener, dog walker, etc.), which will help run the house. These robots are integrated with other components of a smart home and can move around and perform complex household work.

Professional skills and abilities

Medical robot designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional designing biocompatible robotic systems and devices for medicine and biotechnology (e.g. robot surgeons, diagnostic robots, robotic prostheses, etc.).

Professional skills and abilities

Safety engineer in the nano industry

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in charge of the safety of workers in the industry, end product users, and the environment.Develops programmes enabling a quick reaction to the negative impact of production and application of nanoproducts.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart material designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional responsible for designing composite materials within smart environments, which change their properties according to given tasks in a home, office, or industrial facility.

Professional skills and abilities

Advanced metals engineer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist engaged in designing alloys with preset or variable properties (changing based on operating conditions).

Professional skills and abilities

Space road engineer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional services the near-Earth transportation network and is responsible for designing traffic corridors (orbital flights as well as transcontinental flights along ballistic trajectories) and synchronizing launches on Earth (in case of more frequent launches and a manifold increase in the number of orbital objects).

Professional skills and abilities

Space geologist

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist engaged in exploring and mining mineral resources on the Moon and asteroids.

Professional skills and abilities

Life support system engineer

The profession appears after 2020

Maintains life support systems in extreme conditions.

Professional skills and abilities

Space biologist

The profession appears after 2020

This specialist studies the behaviour of various biological systems (from viruses to animals and humans) in space (structures, spacecraft, planet bases); studies the physiology and genetic changes of organisms; develops stable space ecosystems for orbital stations, Moon bases and lengthy journeys.

Professional skills and abilities

Dynamic control smart management system designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional in designing software for air traffic control over traffic-intensive cities and regions (in case of a significant growth of unmanned and general aviation, with sharply increased loads on the airspace and a shift toward flexible traffic management).

Professional skills and abilities

Airship infrastructure designer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist designing airfields, hangars, maintenance depots and navigation infrastructure components for airships. Airships can be used to deliver cargoes and passengers to places that are hard to reach due to poor transport infrastructure. For example, the Russian-based Amur Minerals Corporation is considering a possibility of heavy equipment delivery by airships to a road construction site. The road will cost around $150 million.

Professional skills and abilities

Unmanned flight interface designer cross-professional skills

The profession appears after 2020

Professional who designs interfaces and software packages for unmanned aircraft control; responsible for programming and operating the support, navigation and safety systems of unmanned aircraft.

Professional skills and abilities

Airship designer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with designing airship models according to their applications (cargo/passenger) and aeronautical conditions.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart management system architect

The profession appears after 2020

Develops software for unmanned vehicles and traffic management systems; controls smart management systems. Various solutions exist today to monitor complex shipments, though shipments are managed by people. The future will require automated traffic management systems.

Professional skills and abilities

Transportation network safety engineer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional analyzing and monitoring information, environmental and technological threats to transportation networks. Unlike traffic safety experts, these engineers analyze and prevent problems connected with the functioning of whole transportation networks. With the increasing speed of data transmission, demand is growing for faster movement and higher speed of transportation, which means more stringent requirements for network infrastructure and safety.

Automated transportation system operator

The profession appears after 2020

Manages the servicing of robotic transportations networks and configuration of computer software for robotic mechanisms and vehicles, primarily unmanned.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart road builder

The profession appears after 2020

Professional selecting and installing adaptive road surfaces, marking and road signs with radio frequency identification, surveillance systems, and road condition sensors.

Professional skills and abilities

System engineer for smart power grids

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist tasked with designing and modelling smart grids, micro generation systems, and smart power environments for various purposes; develops technological and infrastructural requirements to systems throughout their life cycle. Provides solutions for the same task as the designer of power consuming systems, but on the end of power supply. There are foreign companies that provide the service (e.g. Siemens offers the SureGrid service, enabling real-time power consumption control within a specific building).

Wearable power device designer

The profession appears after 2020

Designer of mobile/wearable power generation systems. Creates personal items (including clothes and footwear) with micro generation capabilities. Already, there are street clothing items equipped with solar batteries, such as the Ecotech jacket created by Italian company Zegna Sport.

Professional skills and abilities

Weather expert in power industry

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in generation facility operation management based on weather conditions, predicting power generation levels depending on long-term forecasts. Steps are already being taken to prepare the ground for the new job. For example, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) bases its predictions regarding loads on generation facilities on long-term weather forecasts.

Professional skills and abilities

Local power supply system specialist

The profession appears after 2020

Develops, implements and maintains small power generation systems (wind solar, bio-, nuclear micro generators, etc.). The main reasons behind the development of micro generation today are the growth of environmental consciousness and reduction of consumer spending. Western countries have already recognized the job, with the trend expected to reach Russia soon. The job will be posted by owners of country houses and vertical farm designers.

Energy storage device designer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist involved in designing various energy storage systems: high-capacity batteries, heat accumulators, flywheels, etc., enabling energy storage for redistribution in smart grids between peaks and troughs. Efficient power generation is only half of the job’s success, as solutions need to be developed for its efficient utilization and storage. For example, recuperative braking systems used in electric cars charge the battery, but excess energy is wasted. An energy storage device designer must bear this in mind. Major energy storage device projects are already underway. For example, in September 2014, Germany launched Europe’s first 5 MW storage station. Its main purpose is to stabilize the electricity supply in case of uneven load in the grid. It is able to manage the task much faster and more effectively than heat power plants, which are traditionally used for this purpose.

Zero energy house architect

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist engaged in the design of sustainable buildings, fully self-sufficient in terms of power thanks to microgeneration technology (alternative energy sources, trigeneration, i.e. using three energy sources at once: electricity, heat and cold), and utilization of energy-saving materials and structures.

Professional skills and abilities

Personalized healthcare expert

The profession appears after 2020

Studies the genetic record of a patient to develop tailored treatment plans (diagnosis, prevention, treatment) and offer respective medical insurance products. A logical continuation of the shift towards a tailored approach to treatment. Strong genetic analysis and forecasting capabilities will enable the prevention of many diseases before they require treatment, while awareness of specific risks will help to devise a customized insurance plan.

Professional skills and abilities

Tissue engineer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional developing the technological process and selecting materials and conditions for the formation of a particular tissue or organ. The results of his work will be used by the transplantology surgeon.

Professional skills and abilities

Robotic prosthesis and implant designer

The profession appears after 2020

Develops artificial functional devices (robotic prostheses) and organs compatible with live tissues. This area is growing fast: implanted electric muscle stimulators are being developed for paralyzed patients; an implant appeared recently that functions as a natural eye; limb prostheses perform more and more complex functions. While prostheses and implants are most likely to be designed by dedicated specialists, actual implantation surgeries will be performed by re-trained surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists and ophthalmologists.

Professional skills and abilities

Gene therapy expert

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in genome programming to predetermined parameters. Gene therapy (alteration of the human genetic apparatus to fight diseases) has been growing at an incredible pace in the past decade. While the method is mostly tested on animals, there have been cases of successful application of gene therapy on human patients. For example, in 2014, Great Britain announced that 6 patients suffering from choroideremia (hereditary genetic disease, still incurable and causes blindness) experienced eyesight improvement through the course of gene therapy. This is, however, only the first step. The next step is to modify the genome. There has already been an experiment to change two monkey genes.

Professional skills and abilities

3D printing designer in construction

The profession appears after 2020

Designs structure models and selects the best sets of components for their printing; supports the house printing process.

Professional skills and abilities

Smart house infrastructure designer

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in the design, installation and adjustment of smart home management systems (e.g. appliances, security systems, electricity and water supply systems, etc.). Smart homes are appearing already. However, the job is not likely to become popular until seven to ten years from now.

Professional skills and abilities

Medical robot operator

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in programming diagnostic, treatment and surgery robots. Robotic surgery began to develop as early as the 1980s. The most widely known robot surgeon, Da VincI, is already used worldwide in various surgeries, from mitral valve reconstruction to spinal surgery. According to 2013 data, there are around 2,000 surgical systems of this kind in the world now.

Professional skills and abilities