Local power supply system specialist

The profession appears after 2020
Develops, implements and maintains small power generation systems (wind solar, bio-, nuclear micro generators, etc.). The main reasons behind the development of micro generation today are the growth of environmental consciousness and reduction of consumer spending. Western countries have already recognized the job, with the trend expected to reach Russia soon. The job will be posted by owners of country houses and vertical farm designers.
Professional skills and abilities
Systems thinking (ability to define and work with complex systems, including system engineering).
Cross-industry communication skills (understanding of technologies, processes, and market conditions in different related and unrelated sectors).
Ability to manage projects and processes.
Lean manufacturing, production process management based on permanent focus on removing all types of waste, which implies involving every employee in the business optimization process along with maximum client focus.
Programming IT solutions / Managing complex automated systems / Dealing with artificial intelligence.
Environmentally conscious thinking