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Desiger of consciousness training tools

The profession appears after 2020

Creates programmes and equipment (e.g. biofeedback devices) to train users in entering productive states of consciousness (high focus, relaxation, increased creative abilities, etc.). For example, Wild Divine sells devices and software to teach users concentration, relaxation and awareness. There are also biofeedback devices, developed specially for lucid dreaming.

Professional skills and abilities

Game educator

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist in the development of educational programmes based on game techniques, acting as a game character. This specialist will replace traditional teachers at school. Russia has long-standing traditions of game-based education. The promotion of games in schools is currently restricted mostly by regulatory framework.

Professional skills and abilities

Educational pathway designer

The profession appears after 2020

Professional in building an educational “route” for new specialists, made up of courses provided by educational institutions, including online programmes, as well as trainers, simulators, internships, etc. Based on those, he/she develops an educational track, taking into account the psychological type, abilities, and goals of a particular person.

Professional skills and abilities

Mind fitness coach

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist who develops programmes for training personal cognitive skills (e.g. memory, concentration, reading speed, mental mathematics, etc.) using special programmes and devices, taking into account the psyche and purposes of the user. Such programmes exist already, for example, the Mind Fitness Training Institute in Virginia offers all those willing a seven-day course to train their cognitive skills, while Lumosity has developed over 40 online cognitive training games.

Professional skills and abilities

Where can i receive basic training
in the specialty?

Moscow state University
Moscow State Pedagogical University
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Russian State University for the Humanities
Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities
National Research Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
Калужский государственный университет им. К.Э. Циолковского
Калужский государственный институт развития образования
Калужский педагогический колледж
Southern Federal University

Employers in the Russian Federation

Центр молодежного инновационного творчества «Модель Спектр»
Проект «Одинаково разные»
Детско-юношеский центр космического образования "Галактика" г. Калуги
Яндекс.Лицей в Калуге