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Children’s products and services


Children’s future image expert

The profession appears after 2020

Specialist involved in shaping the possible image of the future life of a child and his development pathway, based on the parent’s wishes and the child’s own abilities and perceptions.This specialist will pick matching educational programmes (artistic, sports, etc.), educational games and software to help a child master new skills on a selected trajectory.

Professional skills and abilities

Where can i receive basic training
in the specialty?

Moscow state University
Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design
Moscow State Pedagogical University
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Russian State University for the Humanities
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics ( SibSUTI)
Far Eastern State University of Humanities
National Research Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
Higher School of Folk Art (Institute)

Employers in the Russian Federation

Группа компаний «Детский мир»
Уолт Дисней Компани СНГ
Лего Россия
Маша и медведь
Московский комбинат игрушек