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IT sector



The profession appears before 2020

A specialist who creates ready-made IT solutions from prebuilt templates using a graphical user interface instead of classical programming. He works with databases, design, app integrations and automation of processes. One such professional can replace a team of IT specialists. Zerocoders are already creating mobile and web applications, automating processes and integrating with AI. That's why Innopolis University added zerocoding to the list of its master's programs. According to the US company Grand View Research, by 2027 the volume of the global market for zerocode development will reach 87 billion dollars.

Professional skills and abilities

Information security supervisor

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in the information security of technological processes at automated industrial facilities. This supervisor ensures the security, protection and stable operation of process management systems and information processing, with a focus on tracking the emergence of new weak spots.

Professional skills and abilities

Personal profile security advisor

The profession appears before 2020

Advisor on the information security of Internet users.Compiles the current information image of a client based on all of the information about them available on the Internet.Audits the client’s activities on the Internet for weak spots, confidentiality and general security. At the client’s request, eliminates weak spots, edits (or deletes) the user’s information on the Internet, and shapes the information image of the client.

Professional skills and abilities

Cyber detective

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist investigating cyber crimes.Specialist in criminal science, investigation (modern detective), search (including active search through officially sanctioned cyber attacks against suspects) and processing of information on the Internet (data analyst with programing skills).Cyber detectives have, in fact, been around for some time now, and demand for them will only grow in the future.

Professional skills and abilities

IT auditor

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in software development. Audits complex IT systems processing data and making decisions based on such data. Errors in, or breach of, such systems pose high risks.Provides audits of such systems for the security of their software, including the process of its development and qualifications of the developer.

Big Data model designer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in designing systems for collecting and processing large arrays of data received from the Internet, and developing analytical models and interfaces for assembling them. There are open vacancies in the specialty in Russia, though demand is not very high yet.

Professional skills and abilities

Digital linguist

The profession appears before 2020

Professional who develops linguistic systems for semantic translation (translation taking into account context and shades of meaning) and text information processing (including semantic search on the Internet). He/she also develops new communication interfaces between man and computer using natural languages.

Professional skills and abilities

IT preacher

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist in communications with end users of IT products and promotion of new solutions to groups having a conservative attitude towards advanced technology.The IT preacher will teach people to use new software and services to reduce the digital gap.Activities aimed at training people in “digital literacy” are offered today, usually on a voluntary basis, but this will become a real job in the near future.

Professional skills and abilities

Online lawyer

The profession appears before 2020

Specialist engaged in shaping regulatory interaction on the Internet (including virtual worlds) and devising legal protection systems for people and property on the Internet (including virtual property).

Interface designer

The profession appears before 2020

This professional develops user-friendly, adaptive and safe interfaces for equipment, devices and software of various levels.He/she is highly competent in usability (creating interfaces most comfortable for the user).The interface designer is an existing and popular job, with 2,015 vacancies published in July 2014, according to HeadHunter.However, the growing intensity of human-machine interaction will require greater numbers of such specialists, while their skills will need further development to be able to achieve new objectives.

Professional skills and abilities

Information systems architect

The profession appears before 2020

Qualified specialist for a wide spectrum of operations involving data processing systems.In particular, this specialist designs databases, develops action algorithms, ensures effective access of users to data storages, controls the quality and logic of information storage and extraction.Such specialists are already in demand (65 vacancies were published in the specialty in July 2014, according to HeadHunter), and even more of them will be needed in the future, when information technology has penetrated all areas of human activity.

Professional skills and abilities

Where can i receive basic training
in the specialty?

Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics)
Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации (Калужский филиал)
Российский государственный гуманитарный университет в г. Калуга
Калужский государственный университет им. К.Э. Циолковского
Калужский филиал МГТУ им. Баумана
Калужский технический колледж
Центр космического образования «Галактика»
IT-школа КАМИН
IT-школа «Астрал»
IT-лицей (открытие в сентябре 2018 года)
Innopolis University
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), MIPT
Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics (MTUCI)
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after RE Alekseev ( NSTU)
National Research Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA)
Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Techn(ITMO Universityologies, Mechanics and Optics (
the National Research Tomsk State University (TSU)
St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Employers in the Russian Federation

Национальная компьютерная корпорация
Энвижн Груп
Лаборатория Касперского
Intel Corporation